Welcome to
Growing Less Young (GLY)!

Your Best Life Possible is easier to create,
sooner than you think.
However it takes working smarter.
And we’re here to help you do just that
by sharing our real-life experiences
and answering your questions the best we can!

At GLY you will find

Tips and Tricks, Do’s and Don’ts, Plus some very cool “Life Hacks”
You will hear our own personal Life lessons learned

some ‘the easy way’ and
(argh) some ‘the hard way,’
some ‘the inexpensive, save some money way’ and
(sadly, sigh) some ‘the expensive ouch way’

All with the Goal of helping you
Enjoy Living your Best Life Possible,
Sooner than you thought possible

Bring your questions with you!

We will get into

Personal Finances – a major Life topic with so many facets
Money Management
High School – Whoa, where to start …
Relationships – We need them but they can be so confusing and hard
College or Trade School – Ups and Downs, financing, working part-time
The many ins-and-outs of Work after College or Trade School
Dealing with others
God – who is He to me, who am I to Him? Where is He in my Life?
Faith – Forgiveness – Hope – Trust – Love

Feelings – Are neither right nor wrong. Say what?
Life before Marriage

You’re Married, now what? You still have a Life. A better one!
Family Finances
– A new set of issues and problems to work on
Raising Children – Proof God has a very strange sense of humor
Healing a Damaged Marriage – We know firsthand it can be done!
Dealing with death – Accepting, understanding, explaining
Becoming Empty-Nesters – The place gets seriously quiet
Retire to Something … NOT from Something
and much, much more!
Like I said, bring your questions!

We Also Bring Fantastic Guest Presenters Offering You
Different Alternatives You can freely choose to follow or not follow
Dealing with the Many Issues We All Face
As We Grow Less Young

We are again fortunate to present another fascinating article written by the very talented
Hazel Bridges. Here she shares insightful steps we can take to navigate Midlife “in style.”

Gracefully Navigate the Complex Journey of Midlife
With These Lifestyle Changes

By Hazel Bridges

Ms. Bridges is the creator of Aging Wellness, a website that aims to provide health and wellness resources for aging seniors. She’s a breast cancer survivor. She challenges herself to live life to the fullest and inspires others to do so as well.

Cultivate Physical and Mental Well-being

A lifestyle focused on physical health and mental balance is crucial for thriving during midlife. Regular exercise combined with a balanced diet revitalizes both your body and mind, laying a robust foundation for overall well-being. This holistic approach not only enhances your quality of life but also reflects your commitment to flourishing in this new life chapter. It’s a testament to the importance of nurturing your health as a cornerstone of midlife transformation.

Address Substance Use with Courage and Support

Seeking help for substance use issues is a bold step toward reclaiming control over your life. Do some research on local facilities that are staffed by professionals who can help, taking a look at patient reviews and treatment options. By starting your recovery at one of the best rehab centers in the US, you embark on a courageous path to a brighter future. This decision goes beyond simple recovery; it represents a commitment to a renewed life filled with new opportunities and deeper connections. It’s an essential move toward your healing and empowerment.

Explore the Depths of Your Inner Self

Self-exploration allows you to delve into and address the underlying causes of your discontent. This introspective journey is a pathway to rediscover your genuine desires, values, and happiness sources. Embracing these discoveries facilitates significant personal transformation, aligning your life more intimately with your true essence. It’s about uncovering and embracing the depth of your being, setting the stage for a fulfilling and authentic existence.

Expand Your Knowledge and Coping Skills

Equipping yourself with knowledge about effective life strategies and coping mechanisms is key to confidently navigating midlife. Diving into educational resources offers critical insights and equips you with the necessary tools to adeptly tackle life’s challenges. This dedication to continuous learning cultivates resilience and a growth mindset, vital for personal empowerment and navigating the complexities of midlife with grace.

Refresh Your Personal Style

Refreshing your wardrobe is a potent way to boost self-confidence and mirror your personal evolution. Aligning your attire with your current identity not only elevates your appearance but also strengthens your inner sense of self-worth. This act of self-expression celebrates your journey and the emergence of who you are becoming, signaling a renewed sense of self and a bold step towards embracing your transformed self.

Pursue New Horizons and Adventures

Seeking out new and adventurous experiences injects vitality and growth into your daily life. Whether it’s embracing new hobbies, venturing into unknown territories, or tackling new challenges, these activities infuse your existence with excitement and discovery. This approach is essential for fostering a spirit of adventure and a readiness to explore the broad horizons life offers, revitalizing your zest for life and opening doors to unforeseen paths.

Cultivate Joy and Laughter

Incorporating laughter and joy into your daily routine serves as a healing balm, lightening the weight of midlife challenges. Finding humor in life, enjoying shared moments of joy, or simply appreciating the mundane are crucial for sustaining mental health and well-being. This strategy reduces stress and grounds you in the present, highlighting the beauty and simplicity of life’s journey, reminding you of the importance of joy in the transformative journey of midlife.

Midlife is not a phase to simply endure; it’s a rich period for reflection, growth, and reinvention. By integrating these key strategies into your life, you navigate through midlife with empowerment and a positive outlook. It’s a time filled with opportunities for personal discovery and joy. Embrace this chapter with enthusiasm and an open heart, ready to explore the vast potential that lies ahead.

Growing Less Young offers a variety of life advice, from marriage tips to help with parenting questions. Get to know Mike today and get in touch to ask questions!


Empower Your Life: Taking Action for a Fulfilling Future

by Hazel Bridges

Actively pursuing one’s goals is the cornerstone of living a fulfilling life. It’s about recognizing the power of the present moment and taking decisive steps toward personal aspirations. This journey requires commitment, a clear vision, and strategies tailored to individual needs and circumstances. It’s essential to act now to shape the future one desires. In this Growing Less Young article, effective approaches to achieving goals and living a fulfilling life will be discussed.


Take Steps to Prevent Burnout

Recognizing the signs of burnout is critical in the pursuit of goals. It’s important to be aware of one’s limits and to anticipate potential stressors. Strategies like regular breaks, mindfulness practices, and engaging in enjoyable activities can help manage stress. Maintaining physical and mental well-being is crucial for sustained effort toward goal attainment. Effective stress management is a key element in ensuring long-term success and personal fulfillment.


Embrace SMART Goals

The SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) framework is a powerful tool for setting clear and attainable goals. By defining goals with precision, one can create a roadmap towards success. Measurable objectives provide a way to track progress and stay motivated. Achievable and relevant goals ensure that efforts are focused and aligned with personal values. Setting time-bound goals adds a sense of urgency and helps maintain momentum.


Exploring Online Education for Career Growth

In the rapidly evolving job market, online education has emerged as a key tool for career advancement, offering flexible and accessible learning opportunities. To explore this further, many professionals are turning to online degree programs, which can significantly enhance their earning potential and broaden their skill set. These programs not only provide a convenient way to acquire new skills but also offer personalized learning experiences tailored to individual career goals. Ultimately, the benefits of online education for personal and professional development are immense, making it a worthwhile investment for those seeking to elevate their career trajectory.


Pursuing Fulfillment Through Job Change

Changing jobs can be a path to more fulfilling and rewarding work. It’s about finding a career that aligns with one’s interests and values. Assessing personal strengths and passions can guide this transition. Researching potential career paths and networking can open doors to new opportunities. A job change can be a transformative step towards a more satisfying professional life.


Prioritizing Quality Sleep for Well-being

Sufficient, quality sleep is fundamental for physical and mental health, impacting one’s ability to pursue and achieve goals. Establishing a regular sleep schedule and creating a restful environment can improve sleep quality. Avoiding stimulants before bedtime and engaging in relaxing activities can also contribute to better sleep. Good sleep habits are essential for maintaining energy, focus, and overall well-being.


Creating a Sustainable Self-Care Routine

Developing a self-care routine is crucial for maintaining well-being while pursuing goals. Self-care activities should be chosen based on personal needs and preferences. These might include exercise, hobbies, or spending time with loved ones. A consistent self-care routine helps in managing stress and maintaining a positive outlook. It’s a critical component of a balanced and fulfilling life.

Achieving goals and living a fulfilling life requires a combination of strategic planning, self-care, and continuous learning. From managing stress and setting clear goals to pursuing educational opportunities and considering job changes, each step plays a vital role in personal growth. Ensuring physical and mental health through quality sleep and self-care is equally important. While striving for personal aspirations, it’s crucial to maintain a balance with other responsibilities, including family. The journey towards a fulfilling future is a continuous process of self-improvement and adaptation, paving the way for a life that is both successful and satisfying.


Embracing the Next Chapter: How Empty Nesters Can Thrive
By Hazel Bridges

As one navigates the transitions that life inevitably brings, the empty nest phase emerges as a prominent milestone. This period offers untold opportunities for self-discovery, enrichment, and deepening of familial and social bonds. In this article, the exploration centers around ways to seize these opportunities and thrive as an empty nester.

Unearth Hidden Interests

The house might feel eerily quiet, but the silence can serve as a canvas for your newfound interests. Let’s say you’ve always wanted to learn painting but never had the time; now is the perfect opportunity. For example, community colleges often offer short-term courses on various art forms. There’s also the option to go digital and take online lessons from renowned artists.

Earn an Online Degree to Boost Your Career

The empty nest phase is not merely a pause for introspection; it’s a powerful springboard for career evolution or transformation. For example, numerous online platforms provide specialized courses equipped with industry-validated certifications. An online degree enhances your employability in your current role while also streamlining, well, everything, should you be considering a career transition. The diminished household obligations allow for dedicated time to immerse yourself in these educational opportunities, potentially sparking a rejuvenated career path.

Contribute to Society

While self-improvement is a worthy endeavor, the enrichment of one’s community shouldn’t be overlooked. Volunteering can offer enormous personal satisfaction while allowing you to make a real impact. For example, animal shelters often require helping hands, or you could offer to tutor underprivileged children in your area. Such actions foster a sense of purpose and connect you to a larger cause, thus making this phase of life even more rewarding.

Strengthen Family Connections

Although the nest might be empty, the need for robust family ties remains. For example, arranging a monthly family dinner can be a new tradition, providing a platform for everyone to catch up. Planning a vacation together — perhaps an off-season trip to a beach resort—can also be an enriching experience. It’s a golden opportunity to create lifelong memories and fortify family relationships.

Explore the World

In this chapter of life, the world is indeed your playground. Travel need not be a financial burden; there are plenty of free attractions work exploring. In addition to state and national parks, you can explore things like local museums, events and community festivals, and state fiars. Embracing diverse cultures, sampling exotic cuisines, and soaking in breathtaking landscapes transform your empty nest period into a truly global odyssey.

Redesign Your Living Space

An empty home allows room for a new aesthetic that caters solely to your tastes. For instance, converting a now-vacant bedroom into a home office or library can be both practical and fulfilling. Moreover, opting for sustainable materials for any renovation can make your dream home eco-friendly as well. This is a chance to infuse new energy into your living environment.

Incorporate Mindful Practices

Amid these activities and changes, the mind needs its share of attention too. Practices like meditation and yoga can work wonders for mental well-being. For example, joining a local yoga community can help you stay committed to this practice. Mindfulness techniques help you stay grounded and appreciate the smaller aspects of life, enriching your overall experience.

Make Time for Socializing

Host gatherings or participate in social events to enjoy the company of your near and dear ones. There are multiple resources, both online and offline, that help you plan events without a hitch. This chapter in your life is for celebration, an echo of your newfound freedom and potential. 

The phase of an empty nest ushers in a range of opportunities for self-enrichment, exploration, and meaningful connections. Whether you’re diving into a new hobby, earning an online degree, contributing to your community, or spending quality time with family, each aspect holds the potential for deep satisfaction. By integrating these focal points into your lifestyle, the journey ahead promises not just to be fulfilling but also incredibly enriching. Embrace the possibilities and savor each moment.




Getting Married in Your Golden Years:
5 Things To Consider When Combining Your Lives
By Hazel Bridges

Finding love and getting married is an exciting and happy time. It’s also a time for making some formal decisions about combining your lives. If you’re in your golden years, those considerations can be a bit more complex. Consider these five suggestions as you navigate through this blissful life experience. 

  1. Combine or Don’t Combine Your Finances

Many couples choose not to combine their finances after marriage, especially when both spouses have a steady income. Research shows that keeping finances separate helps you retain your financial independence and work toward your own financial goals. If you’re both retired and have established accounts, you may not feel the need to combine your finances. If you are a single-income household, combining finances makes more sense. 

  1. Start a Family Business

A great way to spend more time together and bring your families together is to create a family business. Many people in their golden years take on jobs after retirement just to have something to do, but that doesn’t mean you have to submit to the standard day job. Starting a business doesn’t have to be a major investment either. Use a skill to start consulting or tutoring. Other great ideas include opening a pet care business, starting a copywriting/editing business, or teaching courses online.

You can save on marketing costs by doing much of the advertising yourself. For example, you can build your visual brand with a creative logo maker online. It allows you to choose a style and adjust the font, text, colors, and images to suit your style. With these simple tips, you can find a business that provides enough income for you to enjoy the lifestyle you want as a married couple.

  1. Find the Right Place To Live

Finding your perfect home together sometimes means moving out of your current home. However, what do you do with all your stuff? You don’t have to find a house that fits everything. A great way to get a fresh start is to downsize. Start planning your move months in advance so you can sell, donate, or trash things you won’t need. And if your new home needs some repairs, or you need help recharging your home air conditioning, don’t fret. Just search for professionals online, and make sure you check their reviews and get a quote in advance. 

  1. Include Your Adult Children in the Process

Getting married later in life could be a concern for your adult children. They may wonder what that means for your estate plans and how it affects them. Keep them in the loop about how your marriage will affect your inheritance plans. In most cases, your new spouse will be the beneficiary. However, that isn’t always the case. For example, you can create a bloodline trust to ensure your children directly receive their inheritance when you pass. Talk to an attorney that specializes in estate planning to make sure everything is properly contracted.

  1. Make Time for Each Other

Married life isn’t all about finances and estate plans, you have to make time to keep the romance alive as well. Plan a date night every week and try something new each time. If you’re having communication issues, don’t just sweep it under the rug. With resources from The Conflict Coach, you can learn how to work through fights effectively. Prioritizing your emotional connection keeps your marriage happy and healthy.

As you start building your new life together, remember to put each other first. You get to spend the rest of your lives with each other. Therefore, now is the time to prioritize your happiness and enjoy your partner.

Growing Less Young is here to help you make your own decisions in order to build a truer, deeper, more meaningful joy in your Life. If you have any questions, please email mike@GrowingLessYoung.com.

© 2022 Hazel Bridges

I, Hazel Bridges of AgingWellness.org, give full permission to GLY to post this article on their website. Growing Less Young, including its owners and representatives, are harmless from any and all possible ramifications related to the article.


Knowing When It Is Time To Move Closer to a Senior Loved One
By Hazel Bridges

If you have lived some distance away from your aging family member for years, deciding to move closer can be difficult. Uprooting your life may not be something you planned on but may be necessary to spend precious time with your senior loved one. Consider these points from Hazel Bridges of AgingWellness as you navigate this tough life decision.

Identifying the Suitable Time and Tools

There is no perfect time to move closer to your loved one. No matter when you do it, you will likely face challenges that you did not anticipate. However, if you choose not to relocate, it is possible that you will struggle with that decision as well. In the end, doing whatever feels right to you is likely going to suit your family’s needs best. Bear in mind that you will likely feel anger, fear and frustration as you switch roles to become the caregiver for your parents, according to experts.

There is much to balance when making this decision, but there are tools available to help as well. Because moving and medical concerns involve so much paperwork, having access to an online PDF editor can be a boon when looking through leases, rental agreements, or insurance documents. An online tool can help you keep digital copies and notes all in one place, on your computer, so you don’t have to worry about rooting through papers on your desk while you’re trying to pack.

Finding Yourself a Place to Live

Once you have decided that moving to be nearer to your loved one in need, you will require a place to live. This might already be a lot for you, so purchasing a home may not be the ideal option at first. If you determine that renting works better for you, use an online rental directory to help you find the ideal apartment, condominium, or small rental home that fits your budget and proximity needs. Starting your relocation journey in a rented location can eliminate some of the difficulties that come with a big move. Purchasing a home can always wait until you are more settled.

Buying a Home

If you decide that buying is right for you, be aware that lenders will calculate your debt-to-income ratio to estimate how much you can afford to pay for your home. You can calculate this on your own by totaling your monthly debt obligations and dividing the figure by your typical monthly income.

You should also take time to sort out what kind of mortgage you will apply for. Mortgages can vary a lot by type, so it is important to figure out which types of mortgages you are eligible to apply for. The terms of your mortgage can also differ depending on your credit history, so be sure to keep that in mind as well.

After squaring away the financials, figure out how far you want to live from your loved one. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Is it best to live just around the corner for easy access, or do you need a bit more distance?
  • How much space do you require?
  • Is your family moving with you, or are you going to be downsizing?
  • Do you foresee a situation in which your aging relative would need to move in with you?

Reviewing Your Loved One’s Living Options

As you embark upon your relocation, ask yourself whether your family member would benefit from different living arrangements. If your relation has been injured numerous times from falls or cooking accidents, it could be time to consider hiring more help to have someone frequently in the home or even moving to an assisted living facility.

Helping Your Family Member Stay at Home

If you determine your family member can remain in his or her home, consider employing professionals to help with maintenance. For example, a backyard landscaping service can take one task off your plate. Before meeting with landscapers to request quotes for your requirements, evaluate companies through online reviews. Check to see if any businesses are offering deals or credits if you are concerned about costs. Connecting with local contractors can also be invaluable.

Caring for aging loved ones is a difficult process. When you choose to move your family close by, take the time you need to evaluate what makes sense for you and your family before committing to any decisions.

© 2022 Hazel Bridges

I, Hazel Bridges of AgingWellness.org, give full permission to GLY to post this article on their website. Growing Less Young, including its owners and representatives, are harmless from any and all possible ramifications related to the article.

When all is dark and feels like Life is crashing in around you remember …
“Life is what it is”
Then stop what you’re doing, get up, and join in the discussion!
Easier said than done – But it can be and is DONE!
You can do this like others before you!


Life is the accumulation of all the Choices
we make during our Life

that we take responsibility for

If a person doesn’t take responsibility for their Choices,
those “Choices” were never Choices,
and a real Life was not being Lived.

Because if they aren’t responsible for their choices
then someone else must be making their Life Choices for them.

They are not Living their Own Lives.
They are living an imaginary Life they can’t be “blamed” for
when anything goes wrong – like a mistake … or a bad choice.

We all have many Life Choices we make every single day.

Growing Older is an easy Life Choice many people sadly make.
Growing Less Young is a much Healthier,
more Joy-Filled, Alive Life Choice.

What Life do you want to truly Live between now, today, this second …
and the day God calls you from this Earth?

Think about this a moment …

Your time on Earth will go by either way,
whether you enjoy your Life or you don’t.


So choose to enjoy your Life NOW! Why wait?

And we’re here to help you successfully accomplish your Life Goal.


There are 3 Key Life Areas

that GLY Focuses On to Help You and Your Family
Live Your Best Lives Now by
Defining, Planning, Accomplishing and Maintaining your Life Goals

Try this before we get going …
Write a list of the benefits you already receive by not
accomplishing your Life Goals?

Then write a list of what you would lose
by accomplishing your Life Goals?

If you’re waiting for the Perfect Time to make Life Changes
you will never start. Why?

The Perfect Time does not exist.
It never has. It does not exist now. It never will.

Now, this moment is the Best Time to take that first step!

You are welcome to use or modify what works best for you
from what Kris, I plus others learned works best for us.

Sometimes we learned by hard and occasionally very expensive ways.
We let you know these so you can hopefully be spared the wasted time and costs.

There’s nothing that says you have to make the same mistakes
we’ve already made, or mistakes we realized ahead of time and avoided.

And don’t miss out on enjoying the same successes we are having right now!

But before we start
I’ve got just one more quick question for you:

Why doesn’t God just give you and me
the answers to all our Life questions,
every thing we ask for,
when we ask for it?

Things would go so smoothly. No worries. The Perfect Life.


You think so? I used to think so, too.

This old black-and-white Twilight Zone Episode gives a really good answer as to
why God doesn’t give us all the answers in Life,
why He sometimes says “Wait,” and
why He sometimes says “No.”

Check it out

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=77ueTRaYTwg — Title: “A Nice Place To Visit”

At GLY you will freely receive the best workable solutions, fresh insights, useful tools, and new ways of looking at things that we have experienced ourselves or can possibly find. Will they be the one-and-only perfect answers? Of course not. No one has the perfect answers for all things for all people. Will our answers be the best we know or can find together with you? That we guarantee.

We don’t care if the answers are “ours” or someone else’s. Provided they are in harmony with God’s Will, His Love for all His Creation and His Forgiveness and Mercy.

The best answers meet with what God asks us to do.

Our only goal
to improve your Life and the Lives of Others by helping you accomplish and maintain your Life Goals. Doesn’t do a lot of good to reach a goal just to throw it away.

By helping you we
improve our own Lives and the Lives of Others, as well as glorify God
by showing Him our thanks by using the Gifts He gave us. This is true for everyone.

Key Life Area #1

Life Questions and Answers

That Constantly Change as we Grow

from Young (Teen-ish) to Less-Young

  • You’re barely surviving your Teen Years. Some days Life bounces from frustrating, to happy, to confusing, exciting, sad.  There are too many fast moving feelings to even try to understand why I think and feel the way I do. Like being accepted, making, having and keeping friends, trying to look like you’re more together than you feel.
    You’re 100% sure your folks have no idea what it’s like to be a you! For that matter you’re not so sure some days just who you are. Occasionally everything seems to go wrong. Or at the very least they go sideways. Am I right?
    And all of this is rolled into one often uncertain even scary mess you want to just smooth out or wish would go away. Sound on-point so far? Then stick around. We’ve got some talking to do. Believe it or not, your parents sometimes feel those exact same ways about themselves. And they especially did when they were your age.
  • Several life change stages: Middle School. High School. Getting a job, or going to Trade School, or Junior CollegeCollege or University. Living at home. Moving away for school or work. So much going on. And learning is work that takes a lot of time and effort. And it’s expensive. But I’ve got a Life to Live, too! How do I do it all?
  • You and a very special someone have grown into a loving couple. You’ve talked about a future together. Engagement looks to be just around the corner. That’s wonderful! What questions do you ask yourself and the person you want to spend the rest of your Life with? And what are some of the steps you’ll want to take next? Is there a road map? Hint: sorta.
  • After going through the many questions that came up during your Engagement you decide to get Married. Fantastic! What are the questions to ask yourself and each other? What are some of the next important steps to take? Still looking for that road map.
  • You’re ready for Children. Uh, really? Are you sure? Really sure? For sure, sure? Ehhh, I mean … GREAT! Super idea! Wonderful decision! Have we got some information that will save you and your sanity! Hint – Children are proof that God has a serious sense of humor
  • Dealing with your Parents no matter what your age … or theirs
  • Dealing with each other’s and your own Family Members
  • Dealing with Friends – true friends and people you thought were friends
  • Dealing with Your Spouse or Significant Other
  • Dealing with Yourself – Ok, that sound a little ‘out there’ but we’ll show you that it’s very true
  • The Stages of Marriagethe stages of marriage are very real. If you know what to possibly expect then your Life, your Marriage and your Family will be so much better for it.

Key Life Area #2


Personal and Family

  • What do you need most?
  • Fun ways you can easily save money and still get the items you need and many of the items you want
  • Creative ways to make money from home – any legal income is good income
  • Budgets – I REALLY dislike them. Here’s what I do …
  • Getting financial advice – do’s and don’ts. Including 3 REALLY BIG Don’ts Kris and I learned the hard and very expensive way.
  • Spending money wisely and how to save money in the process when paying for college, buying a home, purchasing cars, getting clothes, having fun, … we’ve got some great ways we’ve saved that you can, too.
  • Preparing for the future – ours and our children’s future
  • Preparing for retirement  start early! Social Security is not Secure based on official US government reports we’ll pass your way. So what can we do?

Key Life Area #3

Family & Marriage

Daily Questions and Answers that seem to Change All the Time

  • Keeping your healthy-family healthy – many moving parts
  • Keeping a healthy-marriage healthy – a lot more than only listening
  • Healing a Seriously Hurting or Failing Marriage. Whether it’s your own marriage, or the marriage of a family member, or the marriage of a friend or neighbor that’s circling the toilet. Where can you turn? What will work when other things you’ve tried have all failed?
  • Taking a happy, wonderful marriage to the next AMAZING level! This “Church group” blew me away. I kept thinking “They’re talking about all this in a Church group?” And I’m not just hyping this either. It’s a well designed and run marriage enrichment weekend plus a few follow-ups. Mind blowing!

    There is HOPE!
    And we’ve got proof. We are proof.

GLY was created to help you improve your Life and the Lives of Others by Helping you Accomplish your Life Goals (Plural)

So what is a Life Goal?

Here’s the Life Goal Equation

(What … an equation? OK, so I’m an Engineer. I can’t help myself!)   🙄

A Life Goal =

Love for Yourself + Love for Other People + Love for God)




=means “Equals” or “Is”

+ means “Add”

X means “Multiply”


The 7 Steps of Effort are

1st Dream
to define your Life Goal and what your Life and the Lives of Others
will look like after your Life Goal is Accomplished.
Firmly plant that dream in your mind.


 2nd Write or Draw a picture of a Plan to Accomplish your Dream

The Plan needs to say in words or pictures, or both,
what you’ll have to do to accomplishing your Life Goal.


3rd Determine the Resources
needed to Successfully Define, Plan, Schedule, Accomplish,
Maintain and Celebrate your Life Goal


4th Schedule
the sequence of action steps you’ll need to take to reach you Life Goal,
complete with mini-goals, called milestones, that will need to be accomplished
to finally accomplish your Life Goal


5th Decide
So far you’ve planned to do all it takes.
Now your deciding to accomplish your Life Goal,
plus listing the reasons you want to succeed at this Goal


6th Take Responsibility for your Decision
Until you accept responsibility of your Decision and it’s outcome,
good or bad, you haven’t committed to 
accomplishing your goal.
Once you take responsibility for your Decision NOW it’s your Goal.


7th Take Action and Celebrate each step toward your Goal
Perform any Planned Action every day, no matter how BIG or small.

So in short a Life Goal is Love X Effort

Please see the note below,
then visit the post on Accomplishing Life Goals for more great information on
Achieving and Maintaining Life Goals.

Also visit our GLY Life Blog for more posts on other important Life topics.

We would sincerely appreciate getting Your Advice on Topics and Questions
that You’d Like to See Covered in our “Growing Less Young” GLY Life Blog.
You are never under any obligation whatsoever, and any information
you provide us is never sold, shared, or traded. We value your trust in us.

Just press the button below. It’s quick, simple and secure.

Thank you very much!

Hi, I’m really glad you’re here!

My name is Mike Andrews – a Humble-Irishman who enjoys learning and sharing solutions with workable actions we can all take to improve our Lives Now.

You’ll find I’m not one for wasting time.

This site benefits both men and women, from young (teen-ish) to less-young and beyond. No I don’t mean ‘dead.’ I mean people who are ‘less’ less-young. 😁

All coming from a positive Christian perspective. That’s my way of saying I do my best to think, live and act by the Christian principles I’ve chosen for my Life.

I’m not perfect at being Christian. I work at it a LOT. (Don’t ask Kris if I’m perfect. Or the kids for that matter.)  😲

You don’t have to believe in God to be part of GLY. And I’m NOT even remotely trying to convert or change anyone to or from anything.

Who you are and who you may choose to become is your own decision – no one else’s.

My only goal is to help you and your Loved ones Live your best Lives possible Now.

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