Yield Sign & RR-Xing – Warnings We Get in Life, What Can We Do?

Yield Sign & RR-Xing – Warnings We Get in Life, What Can We Do?

This is a real, honest-to-goodness road sign

I can’t make this stuff up! A Yield sign mounted right under a Railroad Crossing sign. Like there’s a choice? I found this just outside of Arlington, Washington, a town North of Seattle.

So … a Railroad Crossing sign telling you a really big, heavy, powerful monster of a machine comes through here. With two sets of train tracks no less. Two trains could pass through at the same time. And either train could push a truck down the track sideways without even breaking a sweat.

Oh but there’s more.

A Yield sign just below “The Monsters are coming for you!” sign. Telling you to give a thought, maybe two to yielding to the trains.

Some people take Yield signs to be optional. Maybe it’d be good to slow down, but not have to stop. Possibly even look both ways before entering the street. Or in this case running on top of the metal train tracks.

So why would anyone need to be warned to stay out of the way of a train coming right at them? Are some people so intent on doing things their own way that they ignore warnings? Really big warnings?

Or are they afraid to do it any other way than they’ve always done it because they might do it wrong, make a mistake? Even fail?

Let’s say they got there one second before the train. Would they figure because they got there first and were “technically in the right” the train had better stop for them? Or maybe they believe “Warning signs are for other people.

So what do these two signs have to do with “Things to watch(out) for in Life?”

You and I occasionally come across caution signs and WARNING! signs in life. We meet people or find ourselves in situations that nudge us one way or the other. Toward or away from someone or something. We get an sense, an inner feeling that something may be good or bad, right or wrong.`

What do you do when you “see” a Life warning sign? That something telling you inside to slow down. Be careful. Look again. Even to “Stop right now!” Think seriously about what you’re preparing to do or say. And even think twice about what you’re choosing to focus your thoughts on.

Our Thoughts are Powerful

Thoughts can turn into a decision to act or not act. Deciding not to act is a decision and an action in itself. Our thoughts that become decisions always bring change when acted on. Good or bad. If not to the outside world around us, then change to our inside world – our Body, our Soul and our Spirit [1 Thessalonians 5:23]. And if not a change directly within us, then a change for someone or something else.

Pay attention to this slightly sinking feeling, this inner warning, this nudge. Take time to think about it, pray for guidance, seek outside help if needed. Remember I am not a professional to seek help from. Then with that knowledge make your decision and act on your decision.

Now own your decision. Meaning accept, not just know but also accept that you made the choice and took the action. That the results of your decision and action are your responsibility.

If the results of your action lead to a new “warning” nudge be willing to ask God where this new inner feeling is meant to lead you. Maybe it’s not a warning sign but instead a “road sign” pointing to the “next step” to follow after the step you’ve recently taken. Or possibly asking you to modify your present action, or even change your original decision.

Your Life is your responsibility. Your choices are your own. And you have a Loving God more than Willing to help you when you ask Him. There are people who care for you, who Love you. If God brings you outside help, be accepting of His help. If it’s God’s Help it will be insightful, able to see things in a way you can’t because you’re too close to the situation. It will be truthful, honest. Even if it’s not what you want to hear but you know inside yourself what you’re seeing, hearing or feeling is right. It will be loving, supportive and truthful. That’s how God Works.

The moral of the story – when you feel a “warning” nudge first take a breath then say a prayer. Ask God to provide you with guidance and any help you may need. To bring understanding of what the feeling is about, why it’s there, what it’s trying to tell you. Very possibly you’re being made aware of a totally new concern in your Life. Or something you already know. Maybe something you don’t want to accept or face. Maybe like was just said above it’s actually a directional sign saying to continue in the direction you’re going. Not all nudges and signs are bad or meant to “scare” you. Or maybe you’re being told to turn down a new, better road. A new direction that will bring you a better life. Or maybe you’re being told to turn back. This way is not good for you or the ones you Love.

An action without thought is simply a knee-jerk reaction. Like when the doctor taps your knee with the little hammer to make your leg jump. A thought without a decision is just a dream. A thought that results in a decision coupled with action is Life. And decisions coupled with action that are made with careful thought and prayer, with God’s help which can come in any number of ways, lead you to your Best Life.

And God’s Blessings “self-multiply.” [How’s that for a new word? 😃] Not just for you but also for those you Love.


Accomplishing Life Goals

Accomplishing Life Goals

What is a Life Goal?
How do I accomplish it?
How do I maintain it after I reach it?

GLY was created to help you accomplish your Life Goals

So what are Life Goals?


Let’s start out by saying Life Goals are much more than only a personal change for the better.
There are 7 important and very doable steps needed to accomplish any Life Goal.
It’s all based on the equation below.

(What, an equation? Bare with me …
I’m an Engineer, I can’t help myself!)


The Life Goal Equation

Life Goal =
(Love for Yourself
+ Love for Other People + Love for God)
(A Dream + The Plan
+ Determine the Resources + Schedule + Decide Take Action)

So a Life Goal put simply is “Love x Effort”

This tells us without Love or without Effort no enduring Life
Goal can be accomplished.

In Math terms:
(No Love) X Effort = Love X (No Effort) = 0 (Nothing)

Love for Yourself AND for Other People AND for God is the Infinite Source of Power
required to successfully accomplish and maintain any Life Goal.

And Effort is a straightforward series of choices and actions that we must choose to make.


Did you notice two more things about the Life Goal Equation?

1) Your Love and Effort together Amplify, Magnify, Build-up, and Strengthen each other, helping you create your Life Goal.

Your Love amplifies
the power of your Effort.

And Your Effort amplifies
the power of your Love.

Working together Love and Effort form a Power to accomplish your Life Goals that is many times greater than either alone.

2) The Life Goal is about you and about Other People and about God. The Life Goal is not for you alone.

This simple equation ‘says’ a LOT.

Here are the
7 Steps to Creating, Achieving and Maintaining Life Goals

  • First Step: Love for yourself coupled with Love for other people plus Love for God
    • Love is the infinite power required to accomplish any Life Goal. Love amplifies everything you’ll do and multiplies the power of all the resources you’ll need to accomplish your goals. Choose to believe this. You’ll be so glad you did.
    • Love provides the energy to accomplish and maintain your Life Goals. What good is a goal if you reach it only to let it slip away?
    • Loving yourself and others is not complex or hard. It’s simpler than all of us often make it out to be. It’s simply realizing “Life is what it is.” We’ll get into how to do this without letting your feelings trip you up. Future posts will cover this.
      • Loving yourself and others is accepting
        • Where you and everyone else has been in the Past
        • The Past is gone.
        • Today is today, now, this moment.
        • Tomorrow isn’t even here yet.
        • Where you and everyone you Love are right now in your Lives.
    • Without this acceptance of reality you will find yourself constantly fighting in your own mind: yourself, others, the no-longer existing Past, and Present situations you have no control over. Huge wastes of your time and effort that can be best directed toward accomplishing your Life Goal.
    • This Love-fueled effort of acceptance makes it possible for you to move forward more powerfully toward your Life Goal.


  • Second Step: A Dream about what specifically can be a Positive in your Life and in the Lives of those you Love. Or Dream about specific ways you can help others. Or Dream about specific ways you can serve others, i.e. serve God.
    • Being specific helps you focus on what you really need more than what you want.
    • Take time to Pray about your Dream. Ask God to give you the Grace to see His Dream for you in this specific area and the Grace to help you accept His Dream for you as your own Dream.
    • Love then encourages you to take your Dream and move to the next Step.


  • Third Step: The Plan
    • Before you can accomplish ANY goal, you will want to take your Dream and write or draw a brief outline Plan of what your Life Goal is.
      • Put your outline either in words or drawn as a picture, whichever is easiest, more fun for you
      • The time you spend in this step “pays” for itself many times over.
      • I’ve seen companies that will not put in the extra efforts to properly plan their projects, to think them through in detail, consider alternative plans and options. The result is confusion, frustration, cost overruns, schedule delays, unhappy Employees and unhappy Customers, plus poorly documented end products that are often not as reliable as they could have been. And when the products fail or have a low manufacturing yield, it’s a fire drill of finger pointing to blame the “other guy.”
    • Focus on one specific Life Goal. After you write it down or draw it out, narrow it down even further. Refine the image you’re creating of your Life Goal.
      • An excessively large, non-specific, ‘multiple goals’ Life Goal, i.e. a “shotgun Life Goal” that cannot be accomplished is often a way of intentionally defeating yourself.
      • It’s you giving yourself an excuse, permission, making it “Ok” to tell yourself, to even prove to yourself you (1) could never accomplish your Life Goal(s), (2) you don’t deserve to reach that Life Goal, (3) “Your life sucks!”
      • Bottom line – by setting yourself up for defeat you are proving to yourself no one actually Loves you. Why? Because you are not Lovable. Why? Because you are a failure. IT’S NOT TRUE! You are ONLY a Failure when you refuse to Learn from the times you don’t Win.
    • In Life you can only be one of 3 types of people: a Winner, or a Learner, or a Failure. That’s it. I learned this years ago and had it repeated to me by a teenager I study Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) and Brazilian Jujitsu (BJJ) with.
      • When he wins an MMA or BJJ match he’s excited. 
      • When he loses a match he chooses to learn valuable lessons (plural) from the match. He learns even from the matches he wins.

      • He applies all these valuable lessons, win or learn, to future matches. As a result he wins a LOT of matches. He still loses a few. One very mature, very hard working young man.

      • Refusing to Learn from a Loss is true Failure. Refusing to Fail from the Loss results in true Learning.

    • Ask yourself what Efforts it will take to accomplish your Life Goal. Write or draw a list. Refine it. Get your list down to the specific Need, not just an “out there somewhere” Want.
    • What Efforts it will take to maintain your Life Goal after you have accomplished it. This is just as important as achieving your Life Goal. What good is accomplishing a Life Goal only to let it disappear? Again write or draw a list. Refine it.
    • Taking a comparatively small amount of time at the very beginning to write or draw the Plan for your Life Goal is a critical step.
      • Compared to wandering aimlessly, wasting your valuable time, efforts, and maybe even money without having created this road map at the start.
    • Leaving a Plan floating around in stray brain cells can lead to
      • Continuous changes piled on top of changes, confusion, frustration
      • Miss-directions resulting from forgetting details or being swayed by a mood or situation
      • Just dropping the Life Goal altogether because the Life Goal never stops changing and growing out of control.
    • It’s far better to accomplish part of a Life Goal than hide behind constantly improving the Plan and never taking the next steps.

  • Fourth Step: Determine the Resources needed to make your written Plan a reality. Resources like
    • Attending a weekend event or classes offered by a reliable person or group with a real track record
      • Strengthening and building an even happier Marriage
      • Healing a hurting and damaged Marriage
      • Building positive, self-reliant children
      • Financial stability, … the list goes on
    • Literature and videos on the topic of this specific Life Goal
      • Books
      • DVD’s
      • CD’s
      • Radio Station Hosts who specialize in helping people accomplish your specific Dream
      • On-line tutorials – YouTube, company websites. We’ll pass  along a number of amazing resources.
    • Professional help – Please note: I DO NOT OFFER PROFESSIONAL HELP IN ANY FORM
      • Medical – are physical illness or other physical issues, physical pain interfering in your Life
      • Psychiatric – are mental issues in the way, for example Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Depression, Anxiety, Stress, … .


  • Fifth Step: Schedule – put together a realistic timeline to accomplish your Life Goal
    • Pick a Start Date. Get a calendar and mark that date.
    • Establish several major milestones along the path to help you see progress toward your Life Goal
      • Milestones help you keep up the schedule’s pace and encourage you by showing you your successes
      • Mark the milestones on your calendar. Check them off as you make that milestone.
    • Based on the resources, dates of classes, how long a book will take to read, figure out a Finished Date
      • Mark your Finish Date on your calendar
      • Be realistic, neither overly optimistic nor pessimistic.


  • Sixth Step: Decide to follow your Schedule consistently.
    • Do something … anything … each and every day
    • This Decision is your commitment to yourself and to those you Love, including God
    • Don’t take too much time making your Decision by continuously refining your Dream down to the minutia
    • Quotes from General George Patton, a famous US Army General in WWII, made many excellent quotes on leadership, planning, God, decision making and much more:
      • “…an imperfect plan implemented immediately … will always succeed better than a perfect plan.”
      • “There are three ways that men get what they want; by planning, by working, and by praying. Any great military operation takes careful planning, or thinking. Then you must have well-trained troops to carry it out: that’s working. But between the plan and the operation there is always an unknown. That unknown spells defeat or victory, success or failure. It is the reaction of the actors to the ordeal when it actually comes. Some people call that getting the breaks; I call it God. God has His part, or margin in everything, That’s where prayer comes in.”
      • “Be willing to make decisions. That’s the most important quality in a good leader.”
      • “Good tactics can save even the worst strategy. Bad tactics will destroy even the best strategy.”
      • “Often I have encountered in life that great disappointments have proved to be the road to future successes.”
      • “Plans must be simple and flexible….They must be made by the people who execute them.”
      • “Don’t fall victim to what I call the ready-aim-aim-aim-aim syndrome. You must be willing to fire.”
      • “When a decision has to be made, make it. There is no totally right time for anything.”
      • “The time to take counsel of your fears is before you make an important battle decision. That’s the time to listen to every fear you can imagine! When you have collected all the facts and fears and made your decision, turn off all your fears and go ahead!”
      • “Successful generals make plans to fit circumstances, but do not try to create circumstances to fit plans.”
    • Decisions are powerful, not to be made or taken lightly. Your Decisions are the exercise of your Free Will.

  • Seventh Step: Take Action
    • Even the worst Plan has some success when it’s put into play.
    • Just think what your well thought out, well prepared Plan will do!
    • Your actions are making a Positive Life Change you choose to make in your own Life. But not just for yourself, also for those you Love.


A Life Goal is first loving yourself as seen by your acceptance of Life as it is. This acceptance makes it possible for you to Dream of a Life Goal, and couple that with a Plan. The Plan is used to base your decisions on Resources and Schedule.

Those decisions may include taking a new or different action, or taking no action at all. Or it’s a decision to change your way of seeing and thinking about something that does not or will not change. Deciding to change your response to something you don’t control. All meant to Improve and Enhance not just your Life but also the Lives of those you Love.

At GLY we present you with people, methods, and tools that Kris and I found still help us today to improve our Lives, our Finances, and our Family & Marriage.

We’ll combine that with what we’ve learned plus provide you with many tips and tricks we’ve picked up along the way. All which we believe will help you just like they help us and others we Love.

You won’t want to just reach the Life Goal, you will refuse to let ‘things go back to the way they were.’ Why? Because your Life Goal is not only about you. It’s also about those you Love.

This is True Love.

You might ask “Why do I need a Plan?”

Let’s say you’re the world’s best House Builder – You Build Amazing Houses

See that plot of bare land over there? Build a house right there.

One problem. You don’t have a house plan. How big is the house, what shape, where is it positioned on the land? How many rooms, where are they placed, closets, stairs, doorways, hallways, … . Don’t forget lights. Water goes in there somewhere, too.

Probably need a shower or bathtub otherwise the neighbors will complain. Oops, forgot the garage for 1 or 2 cars, maybe 3. Attached? Oh and put in some windows. A front door would be nice.

Now get people to do the work. Schedule when they each show-up to do their work. Kicking off the project.

This is not a house I’d buy. You?

Without a Plan and following the steps outlined above you’re left only with a Dream, never reaching a Life Goal.

Intentionally taking the necessary extra time up-front to plan your Life Goal will accomplish several things for you:

  • More clearly show you what you’re building – your Life, a Marriage, a Family. Putting critically important pictures of your goal in your mind. Establish targets that aren’t moving and changing all the time. But which can be adapted as necessary.
  • Help you realize and look for the resources you’ll need to reach your goal. Answer questions like – Will you need to give up something? Consistently spend scheduled time every day on your goal? Find resources: books, CD’s, DVD’s, presentations, conferences, … ? Search out additional help – family, friends, maybe even professional help which I do not offer or provide!
  • Help you establish a timeline for your Life Goal so you establish an urgency to attaining it. You won’t let things drag forever. In other words, you’ll reach your Life Goal.
  • The Life Goal you’ll reach will be very close to what you envisioned at the beginning.
  • Possibly save you Money, Time, Confusion and antacid tablets.

Will you reach your Life Goals?
It depends on you. We’re here to help.

Will you be closer to attaining what you truly need in your Life Goal after you first plan the Goal? I’m sure of it.

Let’s get started!


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